Monday, April 25, 2011

My Life

My Life is gonna be hell
I don’t know what to tell

Day by day I m Dying inside
No one is there to stand by my side

Why I have grown Big to see these days
I want to live happy some peaceful days

I cannot enjoy single Moment of my life
There is pain everywhere through out my life

My Family, My Friends, My Love left me alone,
There is no one who can stand with me like Sandstorm

I never thought Life will be full of Difficulties
Now there is nothing in my Life other then Responsibilities

So Many Dreams I saw, But No Dreams came True
So Many Friends I made, But No one stayed through

Few Friends left me along with Wonderful Memories,
Few Friends left me along with Painful Worries

I Treasure all the Friends who came in my Life,
Some Taught me a Lesson & Some made my Life


This is my Life & I have to Live it

Either in trouble or in Struggle
I have to live it…

Either in happiness or in Sadness
I have to live it…

Whether I Get Love or I get Hurt
I have to live it…

This is My Life & I have to Live it

1 comment:

Husain said...

Its really a wonderful words...........i got a lots of inspiration.....................