Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"I Remember"

I Remember the time which we spent while chatting with each other
I Rememebr the Distance which i used to walk just to get online from there,

I Remember the Miss Call which you were doing for calling me Online,
I Remember the Running which I used to do to Reach Early to get Online,

I Remember the Night which I used to spend by thinking of You,
I Remember the Day when I used to wait for you,

I Remember the Dream in which i was used to see You all the Time,
I Remember the Smile which was used to Make Me Smile,

I Remember the Excitement which i was used to get by seeing you Online,
I Remember the Fight which i was used to have when you go Offline,

I Remember the Tears which has fallen for You from My Eyes,
I Remember the Fear which I got when you Left from My Life,

All this things Happen a Long time back,
But it is as new as in My Mind,

I Remember all this things & Many More...
I Miss all this Moments & Many More...
& Most Importantly... I Miss You a Lot...

I know I wont get all this back,
But this Memories will always remain awake.........!

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