Sunday, April 20, 2008

My First $peecH

This is the First Speech I had given in My life.......

From the childhood to the old age of our life, we meet different kinds of people, but the best person we like to accompany are none other then “FRIEND$”.

But who are Friends? What is the Importance of Friend?

A Friends is a relation in which he is more then a Brother or Sister or sometime like a Guardian taking care of us, that we don’t go on wrong path of the Life.

In today’s Life, which is full of Modern world filled with sorrows, Difficulties, Crime, Wrong Activities & Uncivilized Culture, Friends plays an important role in our life in molding our carrier & character in studies.

Real Importance of Friends is from Teenage to completion of Graduation. During Teenage as we enter School, An Unknown mates which we meet are Friends only. In School time, we enjoy with them by mischief, fun, games & functional School Activities etc. sometimes they take punishment on behalf of us also.

Even in college, Friends play an important role. In College life, Sometime we fall in bad companion & we may lead to wrong path of the life. We had seen in today’s life that, in College, if someone is fallen in bad company, he/she may not be able to hold the culture & Character & fall in bad manners like Smoking, Drinking, Gambling, Roaming, Affairs, not-respecting elders etc.

In order to have fun, they may choose false companion but if we have good friends, the best part is that he is able to understand us, if we have good & understanble Friends in life of college, we can also enjoy but in right manner.

Since, we all know the full form of Friend..i.e.
F - First
R - Relative
I - In
E - Every
N - New
D - Difficulty

Thus, it means that Friend who understand us in every difficulties, Sorrows & are ready to share all the rocks of life & also ready to give fragrance of Life.

Thus Friendship is a relation full of Love, Care, Sympathy, Trust, Understanding & Inspiration. They are the one who inspire us to achieve our goal & aim of Life.

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This is the First Speech I had given in my Life, It’s all because of this speech only that I got the confidence to give more and more speech, I am very thankful to my Friend Ajay, Khalil, Abbas, Jyoti, Sapna, Sharmishta, Isha, Archana & kunal. They had supported me a lot.

I still remember that I had totally mug up this speech and when I gave this speech, there was one girl who has laugh at me, I was little upset about it but my friends & my Hatim sir supported Me, They said that atleast you had given speech among so many people, if anybody is laughing let them laugh. You just think about yourself. This gave me a confidence & during next year I had given a good speech and most of everyone has appreciate it as well.

I learn one thing from it..
When you will do anything, you will not get Success in the first time but during the second or third time you will surely get the success. Its all because of that day, today I can given speech among many people without any preparation. This gave me a lot of Confidence.

Thanks to my all Friends & Sir.

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