Sunday, April 20, 2008

Turning Point of My LIfe

Turning point came in my life when I was in 9th std, I got fail and has to repeat 9th std.

Since from 3rd std to 8th, I was getting fail in one or two subject and was getting promoted to next class every year, when I was in 9th std, they didn’t promoted Me and I have to repeat 9th std again. I felt very bad that day, I was very upset as all of my class mates has moved ahead. I was very ashamed of myself as well.

Since then after I started working hard & even I got the support of my Best friend Khalil & Mustafa, I completed my 9th std and I was in board exam. I started working hard with my friends from beginning. Exams has finish and was happy with the exams. But my happiness got double when I got the result in my hand, I had got the Distinction (70% marks) & in maths as I was getting fail all the time, I had scored 88 marks in Maths. I got very excited & was very happy to show this marks to my parents. Even my parents got very Happy with my result. Its all because of dua Mubarak of Our Maula & my parents that I got such a Good marks.

Since then after, my studies improved a lot and I got Distinction in 12th board exam as well. In 12th board, I got 94 marks in statistics. I had completed my graduation with second class as a special subject in Accounting & Auditing, & today I m working as a Accountant in reputed company of Bahrain.

Now, When I look back, I thank to God that he has failed me in 9th std, because if he has not failed me then I may not have brought more then 50%, & may not have become so good in studies.

Now I feel that whatsoever happen, it happen for Good only, when we fail, failure make us more strong, so once should not give up, once should keep trying & lastly you will get the Success. As Candle burn himself to light the whole world, in the same way we get fail few times before getting Success.

Failure is not the worst thing but the worst is not to try
Try it & success will be yours

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